Tuesday, October 16, 2012

fashion week wednesday

Almost a month later & we're almost done updating you on our week in NYC. This was our final day going to fashion shows for Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, as the following day was spent traveling back home. We had 5 big shows to go to that day, so we only had time to go grab a quick lunch at the Atlantic Grill around the corner from the Lincoln Center. I ended up attending a couple of shows alone, as we only had single invites for some & Sam managed to find time to go fabric shopping and then go home and change outfits & relax a bit.

These are the shows that we attended on this day, if you're interested in checking out the photos!
Nanette LeporeMillyWhitney EveJ Mendel, and Homo Consommatus (only took a video).

We finished our day with an awesome late dinner & drinks at a pub near our hotel & that was it! The end of all our hustling & bustling in the big city.

I have photos from one more fashion show to share & then that's it!


  1. Love the studded boots and the skull tights girls and also love the blue nail lacquer!
    xx Tanya

  2. Omg, that blazer!! I love a great blazer! Love the shorts too! You have great legs. Work it!


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