Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Kat Von D Book Signing!

Guess who was in Toronto tonight?!
No...we didn't see Justin Bieber..
It was Kat Von D & Rooftop!!!

So if you follow L&B you may already know that we were extremely excited to find out that Kat Von D purchased a couple of items from Lipgloss and Black in the past. The items included:
Bamboo Hooded Skeletal Dress

Cut Out Front Leggings

We were shocked, happy and most of all very appreciative that she found our store & loved our stuff! So since we found out that she was taking her book tour to Toronto we were definitely set on being there to meet her in person.

Unfortunately Kat had a house fire on Sunday and even her cat passed away...but being the amazing woman she is, she still made it out to Toronto!

Today was a good day in general: received some Christmas gifts (I won't say for who because they're most likely reading this) that were online purchases. As for personal online shopping: Syl got some beautiful tights and I got a new Tokidoki purse as well...the only thing that really irritates me is when I get surprised with packages that say C.O.D.! nooooooo cash on delivery for duties! :(

So moving onto the more exciting part of the day. Syl and I made sure to grab some Starbucks before walking over to Chapters in the windy weather.
Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha for Me & Gingerbread Latte for Syl

We arrived at John & Richmond around 4pm which for some reason we thought was early...
and we were wrong. There were probably around 100 people already there. ahhhh!

The line up was quite nutso by zig-zagged in and out of way too many aisles. There was 3 hours spent sitting in the romance book section and we met some people in front and behind us in line. There was also a lot of unnecessary confusion with how the signing would go down. We were told that people with wristbands would get priority in meeting Kat but they would only be handed out to the people that owned the book already. Eventually nothing much came of that because Syl & I had one wristband between the two of us and we just ended up going up together.

The wristband

While we were sitting in line...we were asked if we would like to be filmed with a flip cam to be given to Kat at the end of the night so we agreed to leave her a nice little message =)

Syl in her newly shredded Thrice shirt

We thought it would be a good idea to bring some gifts for Kat. For some reason the Chapters employees were going around the line up asking for gifts for Kat...which we didn't do because we really wanted to personally hand them to her. Here they are:

Just some jewelry for Kat Von D

Boxy Cropped Sweater for Kat

Cross Asymmetric Tank for Kat

While started creeping closer...we eventually got a hold of a sketch book that was getting signed by all the fans. Before we got a hold of the sketch book we kept on hearing announcements that the sketchbook needed to be returned to the front of the line/where Kat was signing autographs. Once Syl got a hold of the sketchbook and started writing, the announcement had then changed into an offer to the person who was currently in possession of the sketchbook to by-pass the whole line up. We were able to walk right up there and meet Rooftop & Kat!!

Right before a pretty lucky moment...



Talking about the dress that she bought from us

Kat commenting on our Canadian style

Telling us how she's so proud of us

Going in for the hug

Scott in the background lol

Lipgloss & Black loves Kat Von D! We both made our own outfits. Sam's Dress is a reconstructed City and Colour T-shirt with Fringe shoulders and Syl's top is a deconstructed Thrice t-shirt.

After the book signing we were quite hungry since we hadn't eaten since noon...our choices were either Burrito Boyz or Smoke's Poutinerie! So we totally went for the poutine. Pulled pork was the best choice. That is all. Hope you enjoyed my first blog post in...way too long

Looks amazing eh??


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