Max California is a blogger who I feel like I've known for most of my blogging life! Back when we blogged on livejournal & each had a personal blog, Max became our lj buddy. We were both actively t-shirt reconstructing and dyeing our hair every colour of the rainbow.
Even though Max lives all the way in Australia & we've never met, we think of her as a close friend. She's a fellow DIYer and a punk rock mama with the cutest baby in the world (and another on the way). On her blog, you'll find DIY tutorials on clothes & geekery about star wars & comic books. PLUS she has an adorable family. I obviously HAD TO introduce her to you all today because it's May 4th. May the Fourth be with you ;)

We follow Max through basically every social media network & "like" and "heart" pictures of her DIYs and her son everyday & you should join us. It's fun ;) you know where to find her now!
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Max kicks so much ass! <3
ReplyDeleteHahahah yey! <3