Saturday, May 28, 2011

140: the clothing show - day two

So yesterday, I was completely burned out & tired from a long night at the show. But today I was totally re-energized & was feeding off the awesome energy from our customers & friends who came to visit!

We had a really awesome day in terms of sales & we also had tons of awesome visitors. Our parents & sister came by to visit with snacks for us & we met some readers!

This photo was taken by Raymond Chow of!
We learned about his site exactly a year ago when he took photos of our stuff on the Clothing Show Runway-- we later found out that one of his cousins married one of our cousins (cause he had a photo of us at that wedding! whaaaat.) What does that make us? Cousins by marriage? I dunno. He's a cool dude though & takes amazing runway shots.

We also met some readers (hi Amanda from featherband! & other girls), some future interviewers (hi iris & phoenix!) & some people that previously featured us on their site (hi cute girl that works at trendhunter!). ANNDDD we met Care Failure from the band Die Mannequin! We had made her some reconstructed tees before & had done the transaction through a mutual friend & we just met her today!
I just wish that we had the presence of mind to take photos with our new friends :( It's tough trying to keep track of selling and sales & be really social too. ah well! maybe tomorrow. ♥

On the drive down to the show, we also saw a DELOREAN on the road. it had the license plate "OUTATIME". SERIOUSLYYYYYY. It's cause it's the anime north comic con this weekend in Toronto, I think?

& check out this blogpost on BlogThatShoes about Sam's shoesies. :)

Okay, I'm so tired that my brain is starting to blank out & I'm not even sure what I just wrote. haha. Thanks so much for all the sweet comments & support lately! We've been terrible at responding to comments but hope to be back in the swing of things in a week or so.


Follow Syl and Sam


  1. You guys are total babes! Love your outfits, as per usual. I'm glad you're having such a great time & making great sales!

  2. Love your outfits, especially those scalloped shorts. Looks like a great event!

  3. congrats guys! happy to hear that it was a success. I hope to make it as far as you guys have in my future endeavours! amazing style by the way, i have been looking through your archive and I'm glad I'm not the only one who LIVES IN BLACK! it looks great! <3

  4. I wish I could have gone to the showw! I'm in another city for school and I was home just last weekend and I didn't want to spend more on bus tickets. :( Maybe next time!

    You guys look great!

  5. congrats guys! happy to hear that it was a success. I hope to make it as far as you guys have in my future endeavours! amazing style by the way, i have been looking through your archive and I'm glad I'm not the only one who LIVES IN BLACK! it looks great! <3


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