Tuesday, April 26, 2011

115: hand-me-downs

remember these "vintage" dresses I showed off a couple of months ago?

prescription sunglasses from zennioptical.com, gold leaf hairband from UO, dress from my momma, cardi & jacket from ub, pixie wedge boots by jeffrey campbell, view the full entry here.

zenni optical precrip sunnies, vintage dress from my mom, bluenotes belts worn as a harness, h&m band leader denim jacket, jeffrey campbell litas in black ♥, view the full entry here.

Well, my mom found an old photo...

on the far right you can see my aunt & my mom (in the red) wearing both of those dresses!! haha, what a rockin 70's picture eh? :)

Isn't it funny that when you clean your closet of things that are out of style, it's because they're a couple of years out of date... but if you REALLY wait it out (10 to 20 years lol) they'll maybe come back again? My aunt just gave us a bag full of 90's style dresses & we're loving how so much of it is like "OH! I can see Rachel or Monica wearing this on Friends!" hahah


Follow Syl and Sam


  1. That's amazing. You rock the dresses even better than your mom & aunt. ;)

  2. That is so cool!! I love that your mom found that photo, it's a great now and then moment :) It's awesome how timeless fashion can be sometimes. Love it!

  3. Awesome! I love seeing things get a "second life" this way.

  4. I LOVE that old photo!

    My sisters and I combed through my parent's photos and put them in albums for xmas last year, and it was so awesome to see bits of them that I didn't know about... that, and since they were both geologists, they were totally rocking the grunge/lumberjack look way before it was trendy. I only wish that they'd kept the plaid shirts for me to steal!

  5. I LOVE to see a vintage piece in it's original form and then restyled. Both dresses are gorgeous, as are you!

  6. That's amazing. You rock the dresses even better than your mom & aunt. ;)

  7. Awesome! I love seeing things get a "second life" this way.


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