Monday, June 6, 2011

145: spring cleaning

Well, it's more like summer cleaning now.

We're still slowly settling into our house & it seems that the unpacking never stops! It also feels like the moving never stops because everytime we think we're done, we're picking up more things to move here.

Today I spent much of the day organizing little things in the studio again & did a bit of closet organizing too. I hung up all of my own dresses! Almost 40 dresses all on matching hangers ♥!

Tonight, Matt will be helping me with hanging up my jewelry hanger frames in our studio space & I'm so excited for that. Once things are actually IN PLACE, we will be sharing some pics of our new work areas! yay!

Follow Syl and Sam


  1. I love organizing my closet-- though I feel like I need a bigger one!

  2. pretty dresses :)
    You'd look sick slappin a beeass in any of the dresses!

  3. you have such colourful dresses, i love it. ;)

  4. you have such colourful dresses, i love it. ;)

  5. I love organizing my closet-- though I feel like I need a bigger one!


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