Here's the look we're going for. Frankenstein-ish with green and purple patched manicure with a stitching detail

What you will need:
-Green nail polish
-Purple nail polish
-Black nail polish
-Thin paint brush
-Quick dry top coat

Paint one thin coat of green nail polish on all nails except for your accent nail. Paint your second coat of green when the first is dry.

Paint one coat of purple nail polish on your accent nail. Paint your second coat of purple when the first is dry.

Let your base colours coat dry completely

Take your contrasting purple and paint your first thin coat of a somewhat of a french manicure tip but slanted! You might need two coats

Take your contrasting green and paint the first coat of your tip on your accent nail. You'll definitely need two coats since you're painting a lighter colour on a dark colour

When nails are dry - using your thin paint brush, pick up some black nail polish for the stitching detail

Paint a thin black line across line where your tip ends

Paint in tiny stitches. No need for uniform stitches just be random and throw in some crosses in there too

Apply top coat once your nails are dry

...and you're done! You've successfully sewn together a cute frankenstein manicure.

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