Galaxy prints have been on trend for a while now & a lot of DIYers are starting to paint or bleach their own galaxy designs on clothes & shoes. I've been wanting to space-up something myself, so I'm gonna show you how I did it with a purse of mine.

Here's the purse that I decided to paint. It's an old leather one that I picked up from a thrift shop for under $5 & I used to love it (it's a great size & is great for just slinging over my shoulder) but it's so plain.

Here's what you'll need:
- Paints. I used speedball fabric inks in black, blue, red, yellow, glowing green, white & yellow
- Paint palette & a fine paint brush (not shown oops!)

So I spread out my purse to reveal the entire surface that I planned on painting.
I removed the studs for painting it... but because of the damage they had left, I put them back on afterwards.

I put a thin coat of black all over the surface & before it dried, I added globs of red, blue & some green. The reason I put the coat of black on the black bag was just so that I would be able to create a blended effect with the bright colours so they wouldn't have such contrasting edges.

So then I proceeded to just fingerpaint in circular patterns! I smudged the red & blue around into the black... kinda looks a bit van gogh-esque. haha
I kept each of the colours in a sort-of concentrated circle because the effect that I was aiming for was inspired by the Trifid Nebula:

I wasn't able to take a photo of the process here because it was a bit messy but I basically began mixing some white into each of those circles of colour. The red transformed into more of a pink & the blue became more baby blue too. Also, I found that keeping the paint tacky (do NOT dilute with water!) and using your fingers to just dab it gave it that more space-dusty effect.

Then I took a wet paint brush & dipped in black to make the veiny looking black lines in the centres of the colour circles.

& I continued making those black "veins" on the back of the purse too.

& ta-da! That's the background!
Don't worry too much about being perfect. It took a lot of fudging around to get the right effect I wanted & it's easy to just blend away mistakes.

Now take a glob of white & yellow & some toothpicks

You just have to dip your toothpick in & dab it all over to make "stars"

Some may say... that's too many stars. I got carried away.

Now pick a random star... and make a wish.
and THEN take some white paint & make it look like a starburst by drawing a quick cross over it!

make sure it's pointy & neat!

& there's my nebula masterpiece! Let it dry, yo.
& you can do this to just about anything... your shoes, purses, your hats, your... cats. idk. Show me if you do any of those!

& there it is! Another galactic thing in my wardrobe!
Good thing with a purse, you can wear it everyday without people accusing you of not doing laundry. I MEAN.... not that that ever happens to me... um.

I think I'll try this out on some stuff!
ReplyDeleteI've always been a space freak. :)
That is so gorgeous! I think the studs fit it quite well, so I'm glad you ended up putting them back on.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna have to try this. Maybe on some shoes. Hmm...
Omg that looks awesome, great job!
syl! this is so cool. i am obsessed with galazy prints right now!
ReplyDeletethat bag turned out so so rad!
ReplyDeleteI have been coveting Christopher Kane for evvvveeer for this reason...Will be doing this....and I love you. Thanks.
ReplyDeletethis is so amazing!
ReplyDeleteI mean, each of your tutorials is amazing, you always do great DIY!
And you're good at it, of course, 'cos I won't get the same result if I try to do the same thing!
SO cute!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis one is really cool! You are really artistic, I wouldn't be able to make it look nice like this it would be more of a blob. Lots of respect for all of your amazing talents
ReplyDeleteInspired! Just did my tee last night! Though instead of paint brush and fabric paints I used an old toothbrush and acrylic paints... Love it will do more...
OMG I wanna try this!! Thanks for sharing ♥
ReplyDeleteSO cute!!!!
ReplyDeleteI have been coveting Christopher Kane for evvvveeer for this reason...Will be doing this....and I love you. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteThat is so gorgeous! I think the studs fit it quite well, so I'm glad you ended up putting them back on.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna have to try this. Maybe on some shoes. Hmm...
Wow!! That is so cool and really fun! I bet my son would love to do that. LOL! It came out really good and I think the effect looks a lot like the real thing. Love it! <3
I really love this tutorial ! Just made my own tote bag, and painted it like this! Just a fun and creative way to personalize my style!
ReplyDeleteAwesome project, it's very cool!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the tutorial, I linked it in a series I'm writing for my blog (http://rock-n-roll-stops-the-traffic.blogspot.it/2012/06/diy-from-head-to-toe-11.html#more), hope you don’t mind :)
This is honestly one of the best outcomes I have seen online.. And I have even searching for DAYS!