Wednesday, July 6, 2011

178: thank god for flip flops

Don't get me wrong but I LOVE flip flops...until this happens...

So the story is that I went to the grocery store to pick up a few items that I had coupons for =)
As I walked out the door my left flip flop broke...twice! I fixed it but there was no way I could've walked all the way home. There is no saving them.
Out of frustration I walked home barefooted. I'm pretty sure people driving by me were confused as to why I was crossing the street with no shoes on. All I have to say is that I'm glad they didn't break while I was in the grocery store (no shoes no service) haha!
The sidewalks and roads were burning my feet because of the hot weather/sun! I tried to walk gently in case I stepped on sharp rocks or even glass! I'm grateful that this city isn't littered with glass but my feet were soooo black when I got home! least I got be patriotic and wear my red and white flip flops for Canada Day (July 1st).

Do you have any ridiculous mishaps with your shoes? I do...I always do because I wear shoes like these:

BTW this is what I totally felt like today (minus the drunk part):

My shopping consisted of picking up items that I got for free:

I love coupons.

Follow Syl and Sam


  1. Do you remember how they had flip-flop repair booths on every corner in India? We need that here.

    LOL FOREVER. I mean, you expect mishaps with 7inch heels.... but flippie floppies should be reliable. LOLLLLL

  2. LOL, poor Sam! I can just imagine you walking down the street with no shoes! hahaha!

    On another note, where do you get all these freebie coupons?

  3. YES, we do need that Syl...
    I'm never going to do my grocery shopping in flip flops again. Always 3 inch heels at least from now on.

    Shellie, I check out redflagdeals & smart canucks multiple times a day!
    But a lot of the coupons end up being from liking certain brands on facebook and then being redirected to sites like, or



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