Friday, January 21, 2011

021: treesje

So many of you may already know from Syl's post earlier here on about my Treesje purse.

Treesje Avalon Mini in Grey

Let's play dress up! Okay! *puts skirt on as a dress*
Yeap, that's what I did today!

Tulle Skirt from India, studded belt, Avalon Mini in Grey Treesje purse

Jeffrey Campbell: Raid Wedges

XXI ring & Nightmare Before Christmas ring from Hot Topic

I'll leave you with this video to enjoy ;) Let me know what you think!

You’re watching Lady Gaga Remix for the Mugler Fashion Show. See the Web's top videos on AOL Video

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  1. omg, that bag looks even bigger than I thought!
    well, it's really cute :D
    and I totally love that video, the song too!
    I'm not a real "little monster", but I always get very impressed by Gaga's music and I might say that I'm her fan :D
    so Gaga + Mugler = <3

  2. cute purse and wow, I love your belt <3

    I was wondering, since you seem to have a lot of accessories, how you guys organize your stuff?
    cheers, Julia

  3. Yeah, Nicoletta,
    Syl & I didn't expect full sized purse at all. It was a really pleasant surprise!

    OMG Julia...we do have a lot of accessories and TRY to organize it all. It's difficult and sometimes we do misplace our stuff :P


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